Monday, October 1, 2007

The VK Lingam tapes:Will Zainol Abidin Abdul Rashid step forward

One day I went to Vincent Tan’s house, I fired him at night in his house. I said bloody hell, if you don’t do this who will do it? All these people, Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk Ahmad Fairuz, Tan Sri Zainol (?) all fought for …hat. Then he called Tengku Adnan. Tengku Adnan he said, saya bukan Perdana Menteri Malaysia lah, you know. If the old man doesn’t want to listen to me, go to hell.

Who might "Tan Sri Zainol" be?Who is this man who fought for Vincent Tan.
The answer appears to be Zainol Abidin Abdul Rashid whose recent postings included:
a)Director-General of the Manpower Department; 1994-1998
b)Secretary-General, Human Resources Ministry,1998-2000
c)CEO Inland Revenue Board

Instances where Zainol's decisions in favour of the Berjaya Group is apparent:

a)The Federal Court has held that the Human Resources Minister was wrong in not referring to the Industrial Court a dispute between Berjaya Industrial Bhd and its former vice- president and general manager.

Federal Court judge Datuk Haidar Mohd Noor said it would be best for the Industrial Court to deal with the suspension of Thong Chin Yoong who had claimed constructive dismissal.

"It seems clear that the Federal Court was asked to consider an issue which was not determined by the High Court as well as the Court of Appeal.

Thong had claimed constructive dismissal on May 4, 1994, after he was suspended (with full pay) pending investigation and inquiry into his alleged misconduct.

He made representations to the Director-General of Industrial Relations seeking reinstatement and the Minister was informed of the dispute after a failure to reach an amicable solution.

The Minister decided that Thong's representation was not fit to be referred to the Industrial Court.

(Source:`Minister wrong in not referring case' 31 July 2001
The New Straits Times)

b)The case of Ganesh Sahathevan v Sun Media Sdn Bhd
This writer can report the following history of that case from his own records.Readers can determine for themselves whether or not the case had been handled fairly:
i) The matter commenced with the dismissal on January 1997
ii) Between February and May 1997 the matter was before the Director-General of Industrial Relations for arbitration which failed
iii) Almost one and a half years later, in late 1998, the Director-General of Industrial Relations advised that the matter had been referred to the Industrial Court
iv)The matter was heard between early 1999 and middle 2001,before court chairman Datuk Abu Bakar Awang .The hearings had been stretched out over that period of time becuase of adjournemtns sought by counsel for Sun Media, Dato Sivaparamjothy and instructing solicitor, later counsel, Dato VK Lingam.
v)Final submissions,again delayed by Sun Media, were filed only in early 2002.
vi) Sometime in 2004, parties were informed that the matter had been set for mention, for re-hearing of the entire matter before a new chairman. The parties were advised that a new hearing was necessary because Datuk Abu Bakar Awang who had heard the matter had been forced to resign (his contract not renewed) before he could hand down his decision. The Industrial Relations Act 1967 expressly forbids the Minister from terminating the services of a court chairman while a matter is still pending.
vii)The matter was then re-assigned to court chairman Saufee Affandi, a former justice of the Sessions Court.
viii) In late 2006 , almost 10 years of the dismissal, Saufee Affandi handed down a decision in favour of Sun Media.Following in the footsteps of many other prominent judges who had presided over matters in which Berjaya and or Vincent Tan were party,Saufee Affandi created new law which appeared tailored to suit the needs of the favoured party.

Source material

Ahmad Sarji also announced the appointment of Economic Planning Unit human resources director Zainol Abidin Abdul Rashid as the new director-general of the Manpower Department. He replaces Encik Asnan Pi'i who retired on October 19.
By Kamarul Yunus.
333 words
4 November 1994)

THE Human Resources Ministry is re-engineering itself to boost its effectiveness, reduce operational costs and become a "one-stop service centre".

The ministry's new secretary-general, Datuk Zainol Abidin Abdul Rashid, said the revamp will involve the merging of offices and departments as well as the redeployment of staff.

(Source:Ministry poised to `re-engineer' itself.
By Hamisah Hamid.
471 words
6 February 1998
Business Times)

Human Resources Ministry secretary general Datuk Zainol Abidin Abdul Rashid will be the new Inland Revenue Board (IRB) ch ief executive officer effective August 1.
(Source:Human Resources Ministry secretary general .......
397 words
26 July 2000
Bernama Daily Malaysian News


yapchongyee said...


I Have sent to Mr David Hoh email of my opinion that he has no basis for any recourse to appeal against the order of Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali for striking out of my wife’s petition. I have argued this point on several occasion to no avail. I and my wife have absolutely no idea what Mr David Hoh has done vis a vis the matter of the appeal.

I have been contacted by BUSINESS TIMES OF SINGAPORE, I believe it must be relating to an interview on matters arising from my blogg. I want it on the record that I have already emailed my opinion to Mr David Hoh. This is providing that I will sue Mr David Hoh for damages arising out of his professional negligence.

Mr David Hoh from my knowledge, did not file any application on my wife’s behalf, ASKING THE COURT TO DISMISS STEPHEN LIM’S APPLICATION FOR STRIKING OUT petition for showing no ciurse of action. David only applied for leave to cross examine for forgery and perjury. He did not file any defense ASKING FOR THE DISMISSAL OF STEPHEN LIM’S NONSENSICAL APPLICATION FOR STRIKING OUT. Therefore failure to file my wife’s application for dismissal means that Mr David DID NOT RAISE ANY ISSUE THAT THE COURT CAN ACT ON. Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali is left with no choice but to approve to Stephen Lim Cheng Ban his application for striking out; although in the normal course Judge zainon binti Mohd. Ali would have to dismiss Stephen Lim’s application as nonsensical SEEING THAT STEPHEN LIM HAD ALREADY ENFORCED HIS ORDER FOR SECURITY FOR COSTS. The fact that Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali had acted like A MUDHEAD is another matter’ but all the same she had no authority after having aided & abetted respondents to enforce their security for costs, and Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s subsequent action to award Stephen Lim her order to strike out; The two orders awarded by Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali together would make her actions amount to aiding & abetting the respondents TO OBTAIN MONEY BY FALSE PRETENCES because at the time when she awarded the respondents the order to strike out, she knew that respondents WERE HOLDING MONEY THAT WERE DESIGNATED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING THE COSTS OF THE RESPONDENTS IF PETITIONER LOST HER CASE. Therefore by Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s order for striking out, her action gave respondents the right to keep petitioner’s RM.60,000. Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali had all the time been to deprive petitioner of her RM.60,000.

Logically, if David had appealed against Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s order for striking out, THEN HE IS BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE, because as I said earlier, HE HAD NOT APPLIED FOR DISMISSAL OF THE APPLICATION FOR STRIKING OUT. This means he had nothing to appeal against and he will definitely lose.

My solution is for David to apply to the High Court that delivered Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali for leave to set the petition down for hearing, despite Judge zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s order to strike out. This is my opinion because THE FUCKING ORDER FOR SECURITY FOR COSTS WAS ALREADY ENFORCED AND MONEY PAID BY MY WIFE & RECEIVED BY RESPONDENTS. Just disregard Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s nonsense order for striking out. She in the circumstances had no power to award both order for security for costs and fucking order for striking out. That being the case if our application for setting down of the petition for hearing IS REFUSED, THEN IT MADE SENSE FOR PETITIONER TO APPEAL AGAINST JUDGE’S REFUSAL FOR ALLOWING THE PETITION TO PROCEED TO TRIAL.

This is my opinion and this will be the basis for my action against M/s Lim & Hoh for professional negligence. If I were David I will withdraw my appeal against Zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s order for striking out and go for applying for setting down the case for hearing and if refused to go on appeal on that same point. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY, and and appeal against striking out is completely out of the point.

Hey David don’t be an arsehole; you are going fucking off course.

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Blogg. :

yapchongyee said...

The Malay UMNO leaders have learned to “spin” and project a feel good factor into their public statements relating to their most diabolical projects and making them appear to be advantageous to their intended victims (their minority races). The Americans and the NAZIS are masters of this art (created by Dr Goebbels, Nazis Propaganda Minister and spin was the Nazis tool to implement Hitler’s holocaust and the eradication of the Jews in Europe); as for example George W. Bush had secret plans to attack Iraq and steal Iraqi oil, the Pentagon spin doctors put out a barrage of public statements that Saddam was a beast & dictator and had to be removed for the good of the Iraqi people. This is spin concealing their true evil purpose behind sweet words that are aimed at masking the evil behind the words.

I just heard “Syed Albar” explain that the Malaysian Government is very reluctant to abuse their Internal Security Act, to jail activists as they had done to Hindraff leaders. This is the most diabolical spin if ever I heard one. The Malaysian Government had at the drop of a hat would resort to the excesses of the ISA for the slightest of excuse. I remember how the Government abused the ISA to jail willy nilly 2 bit gansters. I had last night visitors from KL for dinner and the discussion veered to the Hindraff riot and the jailing of their leaders for attempted MURDER ? This is the height of the abuse of the Law. The truth is the Malaysian Government are never accountable; they do as they please.

Coming back to our dinner discussion, my guests tells me and I can see the sense in their point of view; that the Hindraff Riot was a peaceful demonstration BUT THAT THE POLICE WERE INSTRUCTED TO PROVOKE A VIOLENT REACTION. Why did the police acted in the manner (with violent water cannons laced with dangerous chemicals; and tear gas grenades). IF YOU CARE TO EXAMINE THE VIDEO OF THE POLICE RESPONSE, YOU WOULD FIND THAT IT WAS THE POLICE THAT CAUSED FEAR & CHAOS, firing into unarmed & totally helpless Indians who were out to demonstrate their dire economic DUES as citizens of Malaysia. The did not deserve such callous and overly harsh abuse by armed police who bludgeoned them to within an inch of their lives. My guests were correct in their assessment of the brutality of police over reaction; UMNO leaders planned to cause the ILLUSION OF POLITICAL UP HEAVAL SO THAT THEY CAN HAVE THE OPTION TO DELAY THE UPCOMING ELECTION SET FOR 2009 BECAUSE DATO ANWAR IBRAHIM WILL BE FREE TO CONTEST THE ELECTION. I truly believe that if the indications on the Malaysian political scene was that UMNO will not win they will use the excuse of the Hindaff riot to impose EMERGENCY AND POSTPONE THE ELECTION.

Consider this proposition, how is it that UMNO is able to govern Malaysia for the last 50 years, WHEN UMNO IS UNABLE TO WIN IN ELECTIONS IN KELANTAN & TRENGGANU (both predominantly Malay constituencies ) ? I do not believe that support from both MIC & MCA (both ethnic parties are not representative of Indian & Chinese support). In the MIC I do not believe that Sammy Vellu has the genuine support of the Indians, hence this riot demonstrates that he does not have their support. In the MCA, their leadership too is all self serving and the MCA does not truly represent Chinese interests. Both the MIC & MCA are retained by UMNO to give the semblance of across the board support of all the communities that make up Malaysian society BUT IN TRUTH THE GOVERNMENT DISHONESTLY MANIPULATES THE BOLLOT BOXES AS SHOWN IN THE RECENT ELECTION IN KUALA SELANGOR.

I had earlier written a letter posted on my blogg (re: that Malaysia is not a democracy at all, but an oligarchy, the government has been by the same few families. This is where I am stating my point that Malay UMNO leaders have learned to “SPIN” and under the cover of spin they project the illusion that the government is an elected one when in truth the election of UMNO is by trickery, by ballot box stuffing. ALL MALAYSIANS MSUT WAKE UP TO THE FACT THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA RETAINS POWER BY FRAUD. It serves no one in Malaysia be they Malays or Chinese or Indians. A nation is only as strong as when all thei people work together for equal rights & equal opportunities. I am not writing and arguing for equal rights for the Chinese, because I believe that our Chinese are better off migrating to Australia. I have also written in my last letter that the number of Chinese remains relatively the same number of 4.5 million at the time of Merdeka; this means that there has been very substantial emigration from Malaysia, most to Singapore. I am also not interested to put up suggestions for the improvement of Malaysia, That is something that nobody can do because it is already the mind set of the Malays that they are the superior race and that Malaysia belong to the Malays; but who is to say NO ? On the other hand IF THE MALAYS ARE SO SUPERIOR, WHY DO THEY STILL NOW NEED AFFIRMATIVE ACTIONS ? This shows that the Malays are an inferior race, and they cannot survive if left to fend for themselves.

It is sad that of the 24 million Malays only a handful have it all for the lest 50 years and yet they are unable to advance in real terms. The Malays of today is as deprived as they were and still are deprived today. I ask UMNO how many of the Malays have advanced in real terms today as they were 50 years ago. Yes ! There are many Malays living in the modern towns like PJ, BUT WHAT IS MORE TELLING OF THE TRUE SITUATION IS THE QUESTION, HOW MANY MORE OF THE 24 MILLION LIVE IN THE COUNTRY ? That is the more important question. From my perspective the true count of Malays benefiting from the NEP are the bureaucrats; and that could only be in the hundreds of thousands (NOT EVEN IN THE FUCKING 1 MILLION); then the question that follows is, what has happened to the other 23 million Malays rakyat living in the Kampongs ? What have to got out of voting for UMNO ? NOTHING, not a fucking thing. The true Malay rakyat has still to awaken to the fraud perpetrated by their UMNO, the Malay Party and spinner of fine hearing tales of the BOUNTY OF PLENTY THAT COME FROM DEPRIVING THE CHINESE & INDIANS.

My perspective is for the races of Malaysia to abolish the UMNO ploy of racism that do nothing for everybody else except to the sole benefit of UMNO leaders. I will write in my next letter to argue that it is time for all the races to abolish affirmative action because it benefits only the very, very few in UMNO. It is time to change Malaysian leaders and support the OPPOSITION; what UMNO tell the Malays are an ILLUSION.

MY NEXT LETTER after I show you what an illiterate in LAW that dumb arsehole this so called FEDERAL COURT JUDGE ZAINON BINTI MOHD. ALI IS.


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