Tuesday, December 16, 2008

VT & VK-Time for the ISA

Is there reason to believe that there are grounds which would justify the detention under s 8 of the Internal Security Act of Tan Sri Dato Seri (x9) Vincent Tan Chee Yioun, and his lawyer Dato VK Lingam?

Answer: If the Malaysian Government believes there are reasons, that is sufficient

Have Tan Sri Dato Seri (x9) Vincent Tan Chee Yioun,and his lawyer Dato VK Lingam
acted in a manner prejudicial to the security of the country?

Answer: As concluded by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the V.K. Lingam video clip :

• It is sufficent for us to state here that the collective and cumulative actions of the main characters concerned had the effect of seriously undermining and eroding the independence and integrity of the judiciary as a whole.

It should be obvious that "seriously undermining and eroding the independence and integrity of the judiciary as a whole" is prejudicial to the security of the country.

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