Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A good lawyer?One that is a pariah dog(mongrel) that can bite

There was once a corporate knight named Eric Chia,who is supposed to have said , "when I look for a lawyer I look for a pariah dog that can bite, not some pedigree dog that can only look and sound good."

This writer would like to first acknowledge the work of other bloggers, particularly Jeff Ooi of Screenshots( and Dr Anwar Ibrahim of

I should like now to add the following.

An investigation into VK Lingam and others named in the video clips would require an investigation into all matters involving Lingam.
These would include matters which have involved the VK Lingam satellite firms ie firms that act under his direction and which receive and act on briefs that VK Lingam considers too small or inconvenient to deal with.
These include:
a) V.Sitahmabaram & KT Wong of V.Siva& Partners; represented VK Lingam in VK Lingam v. The Bar Council

b) V. Sivaparamjothi; his brother and running mate

c) Rutheran Sivanagnam of M/S R.Sivanganam & Associates


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